The "Festive Jingle Jangle"

Saturday 17th December saw Dad and I on Pathfinder's annual winter Spin 'n' Win for a trundle around the north-west. A cold but bright day, most of the time, I don't have much track scooped in this part of the country so the 100+ miles behind 60011 was just the thing to end the year, especially after the disappointment (of my own making) of the last tour.
Unfortunately, we were sat the wrong side of our coach to allow snaps of the Cl.56 locos stored at Crewe, 60039 running-round its coal train and our Latchford reversal loco 31601 (vice Cl. 08) at Arpley yard, a minor niggle. But once again, photo stop wasn't in Pathfinder's itinerary, so picture opportunities of the main traction was difficult. However to keep to time PF are probably better off not having to corral a train load of enthusiasts back on-board!

We actually managed to do this one without overnight stays anywhere and whilst money is tight this certainly made a difference. With the Cl.60s emerging from overhaul, it is hoped the new year will bring further chances, just read the adverts more carefully from now on!

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