Although a small quantity of freight is still being shifted about by 60s, a new development has seen pairs of 66s being utilised on trains which were previously handled by single Tugs. Although 66 double-heading has been proposed before, on "jumbo-trains" designed to move large tonnages in one go, my view is that this can only be seen as a retrograde step akin to the old days of the Midland Railway, who were keen on using multiples of lower powered steam engines rather than one powerful enough to do the job solo!
I can't believe that this way of working makes economic sense either, although I suppose if you have to pay leasing charges on 250 loco's, but only have 125 jobs, you might as well double up. This must also be perceived as a backward move in terms of the positive environmental benefit of using one diesel unit rather than two.

BTW, I've added a gadget with links to a couple of Fotopic sites worth a look. My thanks to the respective owners for permission to share their sites.

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